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Where to fly in Spain??

Posted: 16 Apr 2019, 20:08
by Zman713
Hi guys, I want to plan a trip to Spain later this summer, August, but have never traveled with my models by plane. Ive tried asking for this info on other sites and had NO response, and will truly appreciate any and all info you could offer me in traveling internationally with a model or 2.So here are my questions

1. What are some current active flying sites for e-powered launch sailplanes on slopes or flat fields in central and southern Spain? I intend to visit Madrid, Toledo and the southern coast, Malaga and more.

I went to university in Madrid in 2011 and have was kicking myself in the rear the whole time I was there for not having shipped at least 1 of my models over that year.

2. what is the most common way to inexpensively travel with a 2.9-4.4 meter wingspan plane. Im debating wether to take my Alpina 4001e, Flamingo 2006e and or my Flair Ka8. Most likely just the first 2. Im thinking crate them and ship them ahead to Madrid or Frankfurt. I want to travel by train once in Frankfurt to Madrid. How far ahead of time should I ship them. I really would rather travel with the models with me and just restrict myself to the Flamingo given its my smallest plane.

3. what about batteries and charging? should I bring my own charger or purchase one once there. I will have LiPo, Li-ion 18650 and NiMH type batteries. Can I fly with these or should/could they be shipped? I do have a US plug strip with European plug converter for the wall plug.

4. What should I be thinking about that I am not thinking of ????

Robert Zimmerman

Re: Where to fly in Spain??

Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 19:55
by Jolly Roger
Hi Robert,

Sorry I can't be of much help other than to say that one of the most epic slope sites in Spain is La Muela. Words can't do it justice so have a Google. This should identify it: La Muela, Calle la Muela, Alarilla, Spain. It's pretty central in Spain.

Hope you get some good flying in.


P.S. Worth checking you have model-flying insurance?

Re: Where to fly in Spain??

Posted: 20 Apr 2019, 21:07
by MDev
Try , its a start for you.